
Friday, December 8, 2023

The Culture: Rube Schools Fools On Proper Timekeeping

Gelantinous Rube had a livestream after the Dorito Pope Show late last night.

I will pull the TLDR here for the newbs and the slow out there.

You can spend ALL THE TIME YOU WANT during a single session. This is no different than running up a tab at the bar.

At the end of the session, you need to settle up that bar tab. You can't spend anything but time to do this, hence what the Bros--taking from Frank Mentzer and Jim Ward--using the procedure of Mandatory Downtime for those characters involved.

Spend three months during your session? (Say, for example, long-distance travel with little or no chance of random encounters.) They're out of play for three months of real time after that because otherwise you run into temporal paradoxes. They can't be anywhere else, do anything else, and no one else can make them be or do otherwise than what was done in-session.

That's how 1:1 Timekeeping is applied to campaign play. Training to level up? Mandatory downtime. Get injured or afflicted and can't get magical healing? Mandatory downtime. Making spells or items? Mandatory downtime. Recruiting Henchmen or Hirelings? Mandatory downtime. Building structures? Same. Raising armies? Same. Add up all the time costs together if more than one such situation applies and that's the total amount of Mandatory Downtime imposed upon a character.

It's that simple. People that can't grok this are Not Tall Enough For This Ride.

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