
Saturday, December 9, 2023

The Culture: Not Giving C-Bills To Cultists That Hate You

Despite my criticism of BattleTech, it can be a fun time taken on its own terms.

Which means that "Don't give money to people that hate you" comes into play due to Catalyst Game Labs being pozzed and aggressively subversive to the detriment of the properties that it exploits.

The Excellence of Elocution has a timely rant, given the season, on how to square that circle.

Albris can be found here. Half-Price books here. Books-a-million here. Abebooks is here. There are others that you should consider, and hit up friendly local game stores that sell used product.

As for 3d Printed miniatures, that's something to ask around about. Same with counters.

And for online play, MegaMek still exists.

(NB: XMas Wish Lists are in this post. No BTech tabletop specified, but I'll take it.)

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