
Friday, July 2, 2021

Narrative Warfare: The Pundit Talks About Death Cultists With Dice

As we go into the Indepedence Day Weekend here in the United States, one of the best things to come out of the US that isn't accounted for by most--the RPG--remains mired in the Culture War. Recently a revived TSR has successfully used outrage to build up public presence far outsized of its merit, and again the RPG Pundit has words about all of this.

Whomever is actually the mind behind TSR isn't stupid. They figured out the game in tabletop, and they're using it to their advantage. The recent bannings from GenCon and Origins are actually Seals of Approval for those looking for material clean of Death Cult pozzing, and so is getting the Death Cultists in Twitter to market the company for free for them.

The Pundit's exasperation is warranted. This incarnation of TSR does feel like a skinsuit job, but not a Death Cult front, but they are doing everyone a big favor by making the lines stark and distinct--making folks flag for or against the Cult, thus exposing who is Friend and who is Enemy--and for that alone New TSR gets some applause. By merely refusing to mouth the shiboleths, they earned the Cult's ire. This is as Pundit says; it is Stuggle Session mindfuckery.

Pundit's finally saying independently what Brian Niemeier has said at his blog: the Death Cult is a religion, this is a satanic crusade, and that ideology has to be defeated to win the Culture War. What he has not yet realized is that Secular Liberalism has already been beaten by the Death Cult because it was a front for it. Thus it is a non-starter as surely as Civic Nationalism is.

You can't beat a religion without a superior religion. Atheism is not an option, by whatever name you dare to call it; voids are abhorred, and Man is a worshipping being.

Fortunately, we have one.

Because this is what Pundit and I agree upon, and so do all sane gamers out there.

You can buy Pundit's material here at Amazon, and here at DrivethruRPG.

1 comment:

  1. They have Jim Ward and other real producers. I want TSR to be real. If they can give me the OSR feel, especially with a fantasy rpg, I'm happy.


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