
Thursday, July 1, 2021

My Life As A Gamer: The Savage RIFTS Atlantis Kickstarter Nears Closing

Palladium Books founder Kevin Siembieda met with Sean Robinnson to talk about the Kickstarter for Savage Worlds: Atlantis--using Savage Worlds for RIFTS--yesterday. The campaign is well past its goal, so if you go in now you're good and it's on them to deliver, and as Savage RIFTS is a thing they will.

This is unusual for Siembieda. He has been notoriously camera-shy, with only two videos of him being online (and this being the other one), so for him to appear on camera to promote this is a big deal.

If you're either a Savage Worlds fan or a Palladium fan, I'd hope that you'll take the time to watch the video and if you like what you hear then check out the campaign and decide if you want to back it or not.

If you have any recommendations, for or against, this campaign (a) say so on the campaign page and (b) drop a comment below. I'm not into Savage Worlds, but some of you are, so I'm being neighborly and passing it on.

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