
Sunday, May 30, 2021

Narrative Warfare: When The Enemy Scores An Own Goal

Would you like a laugh? How about at the expense of the enemy? Then come and restock your pantry with all the salt you can handle from this Twitter thread.

The sheer audacity of these bitchmade faggots crying about a parody article as "punching down" has me thinking that few--if any--of them ever took a punch in their lives.

On the other hand, the savagery of the responses roasting these doughy dingbats has been heartening. Oh no, we are not at all a minority; we are far and away the majority with regard to the utter contempt we hold Muh Games Journalism specifically and journalism in general- and these soy-soaked sissies truly deserve to be showered in shit over their own arrogance and incompetence.

It ain't all bad out there. It's not hopeless yet. We may yet have to tell Kukuryo to add more blimps to his famous cartoon of online rags crashing and burning. And if you're inclined to pity, I remind you that these are the people that are the frontline of what Sam Hyde said of their entire social class: "When we win, do not forget that these people wnat you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny."

Only foolish shepards show mercy to the wolves savaging one's flock, and these are but the whiny runts of that pack.

1 comment:

  1. They have to make themselves the marginalized victim even when their job is being an ungrateful yuppie reviewing luxury products for infantilized adults. Their entire job is about facilitating slave labor in third world countries and they create nothing of value for the medium or the community. It is stunning just how parasitical and (ironically!) toxic the whole media apparatus is.


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