
Monday, May 31, 2021

Narrative Warfare: The Reality of The World Wars Is Breaking Containment

I saw this over at Vox Day's blog today: "Already, nearly one-third of Americans either aren't sure or believe that US involvement in WWII was a mistake." This comes from a Daily Mail article, exerpted below, found here.

More than 75 years after the conclusion of World War Two, one third of Americans are questioning the country's decision to send troops into battle. A new Economist/YouGov poll suggests that doubters believe it to be a mistake or are unsure if it was the right decision.

The poll, which was timed to coincide with Memorial Day, asked people for their opinions were on the decision to send American troops to fight in particular wars.

The question was asked: 'Do you think the United States made a mistake sending troops to fight in the following wars?'

The poll considered conflicts spread over more than 100 years including both World Wars, the Vietnam War and the more recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Some 14 percent of Americans said they believed sending troops to fight the Nazi-led Axis powers during World War II was a mistake and an additional 18 percent weren’t sure, although the support for the decision to send troops to fight the Nazis received more support than any other war at 68 percent.

However, one third of Americans were still unsure if President Roosevelt made the right decision.

It should be much higher, and sooner than later it will go much higher as the truth of the World Wars breaks containment and the descendents of the survivors find out just how badly their forefathers got rooked across the board. Everyone got screwed. Only a handful of elites actually benefited from the World Wars, and their invisible empire emerged triumphant from the chaos those wars caused.

Which is why we have so many distractions going on; it keeps the truth contained. No one will care about BLM when they have real villains to go after instead of catspaws.

1 comment:

  1. Bradford

    Agreed. I always found Wilson's obstinancyvto allow the AusttoHungarian empire to exist over the right to self determination is a case in point.
    The destruction of the 3vampires was a catastrophic error.



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