
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Narrative Warfare Roundup: Assange & Notre Dame

Yesterday we witnessed Notre Dame burning. Last week we saw Julian Assange get dragged out of Ecuador's embassy in London. The epoch is due to shift, and we're seeing signs of that now. I will wait a few days before giving my commentary, but for those looking for some I've curated some videos from my YouTube feed on both topics; just the links, no embeds, lets this post get longer than Longcat.

Furthermore, author Brian Niemeier hits the core issue of the matter in today's post at his blog. The secularization of Christendom has to stop or Civilization dies and collapses back into the Dark Ages, the days before the Light of the World--Jesus--came to our ancestors. The Enlightenment is now revealed to be a mistake, and as with all other errors the only way forward is to turn around and back up until the errors are gone, then close off that dead end forever and proceed down a new road.

One thing is already certain, however: the official story is bound to be wrong, if not a lie- and therefore a fraud. We'll soon know how both events really went down.

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