
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

From Rehab: The End Is In Sight

Filed under "It Can't Rain All The Time".

Yesterday I set down a discharge plan with a tenative release date from this rehab facility. I should be going home one month from today exactly, after which therapy will shift to a home healthcare regime before going to a community engagement form of outpatient therapy. That means I should be completely capable of walking moderate distances once more by the time Football begins in August and able to do most household functions unassisted.

Today I went in to adjust the alignment on the roboleg once more, and in two weeks the test socket goes in to be finalized; I've got that amount of time to pick any pictures, logos, whatever on a 2x2' cotton square (so a big bandana) and have that go in with the roboleg for permanent embedding into the socket material. If any of you are able to put the Living Dead division's logo (see this post) on such a piece and get it to me, let me know and I'll tell you where to send it.

And that's just what went down in the last 48 hours. I have more coming before the end of the month, once the details are final and set down.

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