
Thursday, April 4, 2019

My Life In Fandom: Mouse Wars Is For Losers

Today, from the "Get Woke, Go Broke" department, confirmation that Mouse Wars loses money sufficient for the Mouse to notice.

The toys continue to rot on the shelves. The related merchandise isn't selling like previous iterations, pre-Mouse, did and when those previous offers are available most fans prefer them over the Mouse Wars versions. This is the way you can tell how well, as a business, Star Wars is doing. The wokeness and incompetence of execution of Mouse Wars has not gone over well in the real business: the merchandise. For you readers of the tie-in novels, keep track of the secondary market; expect to see Mouse Wars tie-ins flood the shelves and online outlets while licensors focus on the pre-Mouse movies to return to profitability.

At this point the association of Mouse Wars is one only enjoyed by fools and losers. The only good part was the final act of Rogue One, and even that was wholly unnecessary and uncalled for; everything has sucked and that sucking hurts the brand. If destruction is the game, and I believe it is, you could not do better than having a bunch of incompetents willfully driving it into the ground in the name of Muh Social Justice. Star Wars, increasingly, is solely for losers.

Marvel, you're next. This fate awaits you unless and until you conduct an inquisition and purge SJWs from your ranks.

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