
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

My Life As A Gamer: "Muh Social Justice" Is Still A Con

For the veterans of the Great Meme War, this is no surprise at all. We've known for years that "games journalists" are utter trash.

The SJWs that were dumb enough to jump off #Gamergate several years back have learned nothing. Those who observed, but somehow weren't involved, learned nothing. This filters down to where those same fake journalists otherwise end up when they can't grift and gaslight faking their way through glorified blogging for a petty paycheck: moderators at places at Reddit.

The real story is that these woke wankers give cover to authoritarians coming up with expert systems--it's not real artificial intelligence--designed to identify dissidents and unperson them. The cover is that "toxic masculinity" conspiracy theory bullshit, but we all know that once such a system is used somewhere it quickly gets adapted to be used everywhere. The intention of the tool is to identify targets for deletion, and once enough are deleted to assume and maintain dictatorial control. These SJWs want to run a police state.

That's how you know it's a con. Actually achieving the stated goals doesn't require running a prison planet. That this is still going on indicates just how asleep a lot of people still are.

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