
Friday, November 23, 2018

My Life As A Gamer: The RPG Pundit - The D&D DM is NOT a "Storyteller"

Today, for those of you coping with Black Friday as well as everyone else looking for a bright note to end the week, here you are. In addition to the topic in the post title, the Pundit recounts a FAILED attempt at SJW convergence in tabletop RPGs, which was the recent OSR logo bullshit that exposed SJWs in the Old School Renaissance Google Plus/MeWe group intended to do just that. Resist, folks. You can beat the Death Cult.

The Pundit's talking about Virtual Life Experience here. That's what the tabletop medium does best. Take a tabletop wargame, move a step or two outside of those bounds into the realm of liminality, rely on a Referee to spot-rule as required and let the players engage the scenario organically. No pre-determined results, no Writing Room bullshit, no narrative tropes allowed at all. Roll the dice, deal with what you get, and shrug it off when the dice (or your stupidity) fuck your man in the ass and get him killed.

Seriously, folks. It really is simple as making a sandwich, and for whatever difference the Pundit and I have we're on the same page here. It's not nearly as hard to just run the game as these frustrated novelist fuckers want you to think. Ignore wankfests like Critical Role; the real deal is not at all spectator-friendly, something I learned first-hand decades ago. Lots of fun, but only if you're in the mix; if you're not, it's boring like watching paint dry. Shun the storywankers; you'll have far more fun if you do.

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