
Saturday, November 24, 2018

My Life As A Gamer: Bellular Talks Blizzard

Bellular Gaming is a solid Blizzard news channel, with a focus upon World of Warcraft. Today's video is on what's leaking out from the inside, and it's not good news.

Well, we got screwed even harder than we thought. The Diablo team got hammered with Executive Meddling good and hard. The mobile side clearly comes from a lust for Chinese cash, which I am certain is going to turn out to be a bubble no less artificial and fragile that the Housing and IT bubbles of previous years, because if you pay attention to indie reporting on China you get how fake that country's economy is.

The insanity of constant growth or bust shows itself here. The only thing in biology that does this is cancer, so it's no surprise that corporate craziness is also cancerous; the time to kill this duty to be cancerous, and it is a legally-mandated duty, has come and soon the opportunity will arise to make doing so viable in our various law-making bodies around the world.

It's clear that Blizzard specifically, and the industry generally, needs to reform. When you're better off doing database bitchwork than pursuing your passion, that's a very bad sign and it has to stop. If it can't be done organically from within, then it must be done legislatively from without; we regulate workplaces in other ways, to good effect and for good reasons, so this won't be out of line or without precedent. These companies using compensation to create cult-like campus conditions has to stop.

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