
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

You Want To Catch This Live! Metro City Boys #60: Navel Duty

The Metro City Boys are ending their 2017 with a real hot episode. The Lord High Admiral of the Aggressive Navel Squadron, Mark Kern himself, will be the guest this coming Sunday on the podcast. You do NOT want to miss this one, so set yourself a reminder and make time for prime goof.

You know we're going to see some talk about "World of Warcraft: Classic" now that Blizzard confirmed that it will become a thing this past BlizzCon about a month ago. Kern championed this, so hearing his take on the matter is a big reason to tune in. The other will be hearing where he's at on his own current projects such as EM-8ER

So since I've been asked to throw some questions in, here's what I'd like to see addressed:

  • Regarding what Blizzard now calls "WOW Classic": To what extent, despite recent publish acknowledgement, can Blizzard deliver a Classic server option that actually is the original game as it was before The Burning Crusade? What technical challenges do they face? What business challenges do they face?
  • Is it truly desirable to have a purest recreation of the Vanilla experience, flaws and all, instead of making a Classic game whose mechanics are familiar but actually allows for things that were not viable then to be so (e.g. Paladins that are not siloed into healing at 60)?
  • What is the size of the potential audience for Classic, and how much deviation from the game as it will be tolerated without turning off a critical mass of that audience?

I'm sure you have questions of your own. Show up, get in chat, and be ready to fire them off. This Sunday will be awesome.

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