
Monday, December 4, 2017

Narrative Warfare: Fake Media on Parade

I am not surprised. Fake Media promoting Fake Journalism by Fake Journalists writing Fake Articles about Fake Games by Fake Gamers and boosted by other Fake Geeks.

It's fraud on top of fraud on top of fraud with a side of fraud. Just add fake outrage to complete the shit sandwich.

And this is hardly the worst of it. The Game Awards are another cavalcade of cunty crap. Fake Awards by Fake Gamers (who push Fake Games whenever they can) presented by Fake Geeks to push Fake Media who promote Fake Narratives for Fake Reasons. Nothing real there but the fraud itself.

And that's just the most obvious examples. Then we get assertions that buying hardware is a micro-transaction, which is pants-on-head retarded and demonstrates that these Fake Geek Media sorts truly are incompetent and ignorant- willfully so. Running them out is the most merciful thing that can happen now; making examples of them is now in order, because lesser corrective means are not working, so start digging (if you aren't already; /pol/ and /v/, I hope you're on this already) and when you find their skeletons let them out good and loud. It's Chicago Rules now, so let them feel it.

And yes, by their admitted use of Information Warfare to gaslight their way to victory, they started it. Finish it, permanently.

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