
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Last Jedi (Doesn't Inspire)

During Monday Night Football, the new trailer for The Last Jedi debuted.

YouTube has all sorts of reactions and analysis and autistic screeching about this trailer right now. Below is the World Class Bullshitters video on it. Call the boys, crack open a cold one, and have some popcorn handy. You know this is going to be goofy.

The going vibe is that this is a shit remake of The Empire Strikes Back. Nothing in this trailer convinces me that this vibe is invalid; the only real difference is the Prequel-themed emphasis on why Ben Solo became Kylo Ren. Regardless of what the crew at World Class Bullshitters, Midnight's Edge, etc. say all that needs be said is this:

The trailer does not get me excited to see this film.

That, folks, is damning. Even up to Revenge of the Sith, 12 years ago, the trailers got me excited. Now? Nope. It's been a whopping two years since The Force Awakens and one since Rogue One, and I can't get excited for it anymore. The Mouse has managed to fuck that up.

Sure, a miracle could occur and this film turns out to be good. I'm more likely to see Godot arrive than for that to happen. We'll see soon enough, but I'm not bothering to hold out hope. Instead, I'm making my own Star Wars. You should too. Hookers and blackjack optional.


The folks at World Class Bullshitters follow up on Wednesday of this week. The video is below. They're reading the comments from the official YouTube channel's posting of the trailer.

1 comment:

  1. The other possible interpretation of "I've only seen that levels of raw power once before" would be a reference to Luke meeting the Emperor in Return of the Jedi. Which would also fits the Rey is Palapitine's daughter fan theory. This of course would be a much better dramatic twist than anything I've come to expect from Zombie Star Wars.


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