
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Boy Scouts No More

This happened today:

I was a Boy Scout. I was a Cub Scout. I was one of the first Tiger Cubs. I attended the 1989 National Jamboree at Ft. A.P. Hill in Virginia. While it wasn't all sunshine and roses, my time in the Scouts was a great benefit and I had hoped that someday I'd be able to pass this on to a son of my own.

The best part of my time was that there were no women at all involved. The entire point of the organization is to train boys to become men, something that only men can do. Women--however well-meaning--are fundamentally incompetent and incapable of performing that task. One need only look at the statistics regarding the sons of single-mothers to see this truth in all its horror.

If grown women have no place there, then girls most certainly don't. The few times when women or girls--rumored, not confirmed; it was worse when confirmed--were present (usually the nurse at Many Point Scout Camp) during Scouting operations, it had exactly the deleterious effect on discipline and morale that you would expect for a group of boys. I remember well what co-ed environments were like in school; that it wasn't a thing in Scouting was a great blessing- something whose lacking I noticed when I met co-ed scouts from foreign organizations. (Quite frankly, they're jokes.)

And yes, that Eagle Scout rank means a great deal when entering adult life. Nothing short of holding a military officer's commission (be it through a service academy or otherwise) would trump that on a resume. That the Girls Scout equivalent doesn't have the same level of respect says a lot more on the failure of the Girl Scouts to properly publicize the rank and its requirements than anything else- and yet the resentment goes on the Boy Scouts, instead of where it belongs. Female entitlement to male achievement is once more at work, under the fraud of "social justice", and the cucks on the board folded like cheap suits because they are cowards.

This recent decision reveals that the Boy Scouts of America has betrayed its mission. It is no longer fit for purpose and must be destroyed lest the rot spread further. If your boys are in, pull them out; if your boys aren't in, don't join. Find or form a fork that maintains the mission of the organization--a male-only Scouting organization focused on training boys to become men--and continue the work there, in time to supercede and replace the converged corpse-thing corrupting all it touches.

Why? Because the Boy Scouts of America are no longer morally straight. A corrupt leader cannot pass on a pure philosophy.

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