
Monday, November 25, 2024

The Culture: A Reminder of Why We Have Narrative Warfare In The Hobby

Friend of the Retreat Jon Mollison delivers the 101 on why all of this matters.

The Social Justice Warriors are members of a Death Cult- the Death Cult.

This is a religion- the religion that stands against God.

Because they are in rebellion against God, they must operate as an insurgency until they seize power at which point they become bloody-handed butchers while humiliating those they conquer until compliance and stealing the minds of the next generation to cement the conquest.

If this reminds you of any one of several "liberal" regimes of the 19th and 20th Century (not just that of a certain Austrian Painter) that is not accidental; they are all the same thing because they all serve the same master, and they are so vicious towards each other because they are all different sects of the same religion.

The way forward is not just to expose and reject; these are necessary, but not sufficient, steps. The way forward is to eliminate the means by which these heretics have seized power and eliminate them; these are the pillars holding up their operations, so if they get knocked out those operations will collapse and their power goes with them- leaving them vulnerable to a thourough and permanent purging.

The follow-up is to have in place replacement practices that are proof against later subversion. We have the blueprint for such practices, and now that we're getting people to see that the Death Cult has no intention of providing what the audience wants those replacements will gain traction.

The Bros are leading the way, because what's wrong with Conventional Play is not just playing the game wrong. It's doing the hobby wrong, and that's because the hobby is part of the culture and we have been doing the culture wrong BY DESIGN all this time. Restoring the culture anywhere, and persisting at it, will lead to restoring the culture everywhere- and from there the politics follows.

Thanks to Jon for connecting the Big to the Small, because this is a fractal affair.

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