
Wednesday, November 20, 2024

The Business: One Whipped Dog Reveals How Bad The "Industry" Is

Tenkar reports on Kobold Press cucking after going at SOBS.

Kobold Press, as reported, is one of the many also-rans/never-weres who sustain themselves by publishing for Current Edition while maintaining a Totally Not D&D Really product line Just In Case.

Kobold Press is a Death Cult front, part of the cohort that uses Pop Cultism to bring Normies into the Death Cult. It therefore is utterly dependent upon SOBS and its supreme Network Effect (and thus user network/audience) to get any eyeballs on their own products (and thus justify their own existence). Like all the other remora hanging around the Great White Shark that is SOBS, it has to maintain a position of overall positive repute lest the master turn his gaze upon them.

That, far more than anything else, prompted this rolling over and baring of the throat in submission.

That, by the way, is what so many defending Conventional Play refuse to admit is the case. The dependence upon SOBS is so total for all but a few, and has gone on for so long now (almost 25 years), that they are as blind to the sitaution as someone who lives in a pig sty being nose-blind to the stench.

It is this long habituation, to the point of normalization ala the prisoners in Plato's Cave, that will wreck them as SOBS' Big Move makes its impact. Again, no attempt AT ALL to change this utter dependence upon SOBS.

Fuck Kobold Press and everyone like them. You deserve to be exterminated by the colony drop that is SOBS' Big Move. The gates of the Clubhouse are closed to you.

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