
Friday, October 25, 2024

The Culture: Told You That The Triple E Attempt Was The Play

Lady Shill, speaking for SOBS (on a deniable basis), confirms my take on the Triple E attack.

"Embrace" means admitting that this is a thing so stop fighting it. SOBS decided to stop resisting the Bros' restoration of Domain Play by slapping their own label on the idea and reintroducing the concept for the audience of Normies (and their Casual and Tourist followers) who likely had no idea that this was a thing.

"Extend" means to put proprietary additions to the concept with the aim of keeping the target audience within one's established market niche. SOBS made their take a Safe Space that Referees are forbidden from fucking with in any way, shape, or form; they are, for all intents and purposes, Not Optional because they are too useful to players' mans to not exploit to best effect. (Sorry, Theater Kids, you don't get a say because this is player-run and controlled; your proclimation means nothing.)

"Extinguish" means to make the proprietary extensions so desirable that they become normalized by the end users and thus it is no longer acceptable to do without them, this taking what was an Open Source thing and closing it off into a Closed Source product or service. This is SOBS' intention with Bastions

Which would matter if the Real Hobby were a commercial business. It is not. Therefore pulling the Triple E only makes SOBS' do the Clubhouse's gatekeeping for it by making it too painful for Normies (and those follow-on sorts) to leave Next Edition's Walled Garden (and its Network Effect). Why is this good for the Real Hobby? Because it filters out those unwilling to Git Gud, unwilling to go out of their way, unwilling to work for their entertainment- in short, unwilling to prove that they have what it takes to be a good hobbyist.

Oh, and now that SOBS has done this expect Strict Timekeeping to get the Triple E treatment sooner than later because those Domains are expected to be used and SOBS clearly cribs from the Bros' homework.

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