
Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Business: The Recovered Lore Of The Real Hobby Approaches Critical Mass Adoption

Remember what I said about Truth being something you have to actively suppress, like holding a balloon underwater, to keep it in the Memory Hole?

Remember what I said would happen when that pressure stops being applied, for whatever reason? That's happening.

This man is not one of the Bros. He's familiar with the Bros. He's heard the arguments. He's read the arguments. He's seen the receipts showing their effectiveness in practice.

And yes, he even tips the hat to the Bros. Acknoledgement is nice, however it is made.

Expect more of this, done in earnest sincerity, over the next few years as BROZER and others like it get into the hands and on the tables of a critical mass of hobbyists.

With that comes a Preference Cascade that scoops up those that don't prefer to stay in SOBS' Walled Garden and takes them to the Clubhouse, leaving no room for the Cargo Cult of Conventional Play.

There is now a countdown to the end of Tabletop's commercial viability and pop-cultural visibility. Conventional Play needs both, and will lose both, when SOBS' Big Move takes the 80% and 18 of the remaining 20% go to the Clubhouse. 2%--and I am being very generous--is not enough, unless they're all Saudi oil princes (and we know that they are not).

Tick. Tock.

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