
Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Business: How SOBS' Big Move Will Work (By Analogy)

Preach is a MMO guy. That's why this is talking about MMOs.

Why I'm posting this is because what Blizzard is doing is what SOBS is doing for Tabletop Adventure Games. Why? Because SOBS is to TAGs what Blizzard is to MMOs.

The Big Move is about Customer Retention and Monetization.

SOBS is the only commercial operation in the TAG sphere that can do what even the most basic bitch MMO (or similar) game publisher does routinely, and what Blizzard has now created- a model that SOBS is now copying and tweeking to suit their specific circumstances.

Where Blizzard has its WOW Bubble where one subscription allows a subscriber to play all versions of WOW, SOBS' is using its new VTT to keep players within its Walled Garden by allowing all TAGs to be played within its VTT. Now a Current Edition player will be able to stay within the Walled Garden while taking a break from Current Edition, so SOBS continues to get his money month on month (including microstransactions); if you think SOBS won't be in a position to charge access fees to other companies to monetize that same user network, you are retarded.

Roll20, Tabletop Simulator, etc. are all going to get fucked in the ass when this goes live. Conventional Play on Tabletop, as it is now, will be dealt the Doloros Stroke and there will be no True King to heal it. You want to know how the Cargo Cult of Conventional Play in Tabletop collapses? You are looking at it. It is easier, cheaper, and far more convenient to play Current Edition via Beyond than any other way- the new VTT extends this to ALL games.

SOBS will redefine what a Tabletop Adventure Game IS and how they work by this Big Move. This is a paradigm-changing play and I am tired of folks not seeing it for what it is and recognizing the threat it poses to existing models of both business and social organization.

The Cargo Cult of Conventional Play cannot survive this. Only the Clubhouse can and will, and furthermore Clubhouses will have to start acting more like Masonic Lodges when seeking new members because the pre-Big Move paradigm will become an occult practice in all but name so folks had better be prepared to recognize and reorganize accordingly.

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