
Monday, August 26, 2024

The Culture: What Was Once Unspeakable Heresy Is Now Openly Discussed

The other night Dunder Moose joined with two of the Bros and the Champion of the Women's Divsion to talk shop.

Yep, they talked about PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER!

This is a Third Rail topic for Conventional Play.

The people coming out of the Cargo Cult of Conventional Play need to confront the fact that the Real Hobby is Player vs. Player AND Player vs. Environment, summarized as "PvPvE" (and is already Ancient Lore in videogame versions of the hobby, which tells you how old this is).

You'll note that our four panelists were not all-in on doing this. There are plenty of conditionals and caveats thrown around.

You will see these go away as the Collapse kills those resisting segments off.

That this is now openly discussed, in a manner that the Cargo Cult cannot control or corral, with an undertone of not only tolerance but acceptance and approval is a big deal, bigger than many realize. Those resisting elements are fragile as fuck, and readily replacable by alternative models (e.g. videogames, boardgames, Writer's Room exercises) that are in no danger of going anywhere, which is why they will go away as things go on and the Collapse gets worse.

The Real Hobby is that dangerous place. Being built on the bones of Braunstein means it's a load-bearing structure that cannot be dispensed with. It is as much a core appeal as it is a fantastic filtering mechanism, and I would not do away with it for the world.

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