
Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Culture: The Bros Have Hit Upon Another Massive Discovery

Fluid the Druid had a fantastic blog post the other day about adventure gaming and what drives good vs. bad play.

Jeffro quite explicitly states “diffusion and convergence is the name of the game”. And, he’s right. Things cannot converge unless they are first separated, that is (diffused).

This talk of Convergence and Diffusion, explaned in the linked post, provides a model that explains why Braunstein, 1:1 Time, Strict Timekeeping, Rules-As-Written, and Faction Play had their effects upon the Bros' play experiences over the last few years of rediscovery.

Furthermore, by creating the language to explain the phenonemon that doesn't rely on a single product this makes it easy to explain how to apply the model to Your Product Of Choice.

This is massive. Lots of old-time dogfighters grokked what it took to be a successful dogfighter, but it took until World War 2 for someone to put it into words and thus make a model that explains it to others and thus makes it possible to train them quickly and efficiently up to standard.

What we have here is the genesis of something of massive value: a model that explains how things work in practice that can be independently replicated and thus validated. That model then becomes a methodology for training others the skills and acumen that turns newbs into competent gamers.

In one post, Fluid has done more for the preservation of the hobby than the entirety of the OSR.

Now to take this opening and break through to kick it into the goal.

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