
Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Business: SOBS Can't Manage Shills

The fact that SOBS did not do this internally for its shills shows how Clown Shoes SOBS' shill management is. Holy shit this is bad.

"But how can you say that?"


Compare this to a competent shill operation, like the one that the Democrat National Committee runs for its preferred candidates. Each and every shill gets told privately what the script is, what is permitted, what is forbidden, and that contact is regular and frequent to maintain a consistent marketing message across all media.

SOBS couldn't even get its paid shills to not violate basic Copyright law or expressly grant legal sanction (which is in SOBS' perview to do) to avoid the matter entirely. For all the talk of corporate power and influence, this is a massive display of institutional incompetence that completely screwed up what should have been a massive launch that generated sufficient hype and interest that drowns out all competion- like they did when Current Edition launched.

You folks that have worked in marketing or advertising know what I'm talking about here. This is a massive fuckup, and it is only due to Current Edition being sufficiently small to not be in mainstream media that they can get Jannies to sweep it up so fast. If this got into anything Normie-facing, there'd be uncomfortable phonecalls in SOBS' C-Suite over it.

As it is, it got into the TAG Blog/Vlogosphere so it's not going to go away soon- especially since this will start being obvious in local stores (those that yet remain).

Cheap whores need pimps with a clue to run them, and SOBS just demonstrated that they are weak-handed poseurs that suck at the game. Utterly contemptable on their own terms, and insulting on top of disgusting for the rest of us.

The only reason they look good at all is because the competition does not exist. That would be you, Conventional Play publishers. The dangerhaired Death Cultists wrecking AAA videogame businesses are better at this than you. This is yet another reason why there is no future for Conventional Play in Tabletop after SOBS' Big Move.

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