
Monday, July 8, 2024

The Culture: More See That The Industry Must Die For The Hobby To Live

Word's getting around about what Sorcerers By The Sea are doing.

And more people are seeing things my way.

Click through and see the other reactions. More and more people are ceasing to CONSUME PRODUCT and stop giving money to people that hate them and the hobby.

Which means that more people are reading, willing, and able to learn how to play the real game that's been suppressed for almost 50 years. That means more folks are ready to learn from the #BROSR, which is good because it dovetails with Jeffro's recent excursion outside of AD&D1e and into Classic Traveller.

Jeffro's latest Traveller event has been so good that he's continuing it. We have another looking to do this with Gangbusters, and no one objects to the idea that you can't do something like this with Call of Cthulhu.

That's the feeling of momentum building past a point of critical mass, past a point of no reture.

Take your wins where you can get them.

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