
Monday, July 1, 2024

The Culture: Braunsteins Futuristic & Fantasy Launching

Jeffro's expanding his reach again, this time to Classic Traveller, with a Braunstein event that starts at 8pm today. If you want in, I hope you see this in the morning and haul ass to get involved. Let me help you get started there, champ.

This is a solid scenario, but I advise you to read that post carefully. He's going for a rapid pace of decision here, and that may not be your thing.

Even if you either choose not to play, or miss the admissions deadline, I would advise you to read the follow-up posts reporting the scenario's progress and conclusion. Jeffro's aiming to prove what a lot of people, including myself, have already deduced: Classic Traveller is for space adventure gaming what AD&D1e is for sword & sorcery adventure gaming.

But he's not the only one. My own is moving to the launch pad.

I took something I'd posted here previously, cleaned it up, revised it, and posted it over at the Clubhouse.

As the posts show, this too is meant to show how the real hobby is meant to work. I need only one player to take up the Halfings and this too can launch. Twitter or Discord DMs are prefered, but email will do.

And I'm sure that everyone will want to see things go down.

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