
Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Business: I Told You They're Moving Current Edition To Vidya

More people need to see that this is where Sorcerers By The Sea intends to take The Only Game That Matters.

Notice that what I have said about the crystal clear signals that SOBS is now independently replicated here.

This is the Killer App for SOBS' future business model.

Let me lay out what's going to go down:

  • The Tabletop Medium and its related products (print books, etc.) are depreciated. (YOU ARE HERE)
  • SOBS make it more and more difficult to acquire physical products while ramping up the Pace of Change and the Cult of Officialdom.
  • SOBS solves the issue that they intentionally created by making virtual/digital play the basis for Current Edition.
  • SOBS makes digitizing your play free and making it convenient cheap, down to facilitating finding players with matchmaking tools.
  • SOBS changes how the game works by depreciating user-created content in favor of SOBS' own (or licensed) content.
  • SOBS depreciates users having to play with others by implementing friendly NPC bots and oppositional DM bots.
  • SOBS monetizies the game by making the new stuff overpowered and paywalled, and the new content have all the best loot/rewards.
  • SOBS replaces retail pricing by going full Free To Play/Pay To Win mobile trash, and the final version of the game is a mobile application.

That's where the C-Suite, filled with people from Microsoft and Zynga and other such companies, wants to take the game. Not because of DEI. Because of Line Go Up. This is pure Mammon Mob mentality in action, and by that logic they are correct to do so- a logic compelled by law under "shareholder value" rules.

This will not happen all at once. They're boiling the frog, so expect a series of "Oh noes! Bad effect from (change)!" and "YAY! SOBS fixed it with (move in desired direction)!" that is straight out of the playbook of the World War 1 social engineering founders: Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays.

Expect the Mammon Mobsters to use the Death Cultists as cover to distract attention from what they're doing to make Line Go Up with the switch in media from Tabletop to Vidya (where there are orders of magnitude more revenue, profit, social proof, clout, credit-worthiness, and thus POWER). Meanwhile, expect the Death Cultists to use the Mobsters to poz Current Edition into their Gay Race Communist utopia where only Whitey and God are allowed to be Evil (and so they justify doing genocides to the former and deicide to the latter).

Yes, the Mobsters and the Cult expect the legacy audience to boil off in disgust; they want you to leave the User Network so they can replace you with their own Clients.

If SOBS succeeds, they will redefine "D&D" and "RPG" to be "Autobattling Mobile Trash Whaling Business That Pushing Gay Race Communism" and thus use Network Effects as a cudgel to beat dissident hobbyists to death with.

Fortunately, they won't. The Clubhouse is beyond their reach, and it is in the Clubhouse that the real hobby--and the real game--will survive and thrive.

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