
Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Culture: A New History of Blackmoor Available In Print

Friend of the Retreat Jon Mollison cut a video about a new work of history for the hobby.

I agree with Jon. This is a fantastic volume for those dedicated to getting at the roots of this hobby and its foundational medium. You can pre-order a copy here.

Being that this is a work that deals in primary sources, you will see independent verification of a lot of what Jeffro and the Bros have talked about for the last several years as to what this hobby is and how it actually works.

What Jon doesn't say, but is clear from what he shows, this book also acts as good study material for learning the acumen necessary to succeed as a hobbyist in this hobby- especially with regard to the games he had a hand in.

If Jeffro is the guy that shocks people out of their mediocrity, this is one of those follow-ups that gives those folks the means to become better than they were and make it stick.

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