
Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Business: Yes, Conventional Play Is A Pop Cult Front

Pat does the hobby a solid again.

Got to hand this to Sorcerors' marketing people. They played this well.

SOBS used the controversy over the Woke swapping to hide the wholesale FOMO-laden predatory business model and pricing for the miniatures that this illegitimate remake figure is a part of. If you know how Magic works, you know how this works.

Pure cultivation of Pop Cult psychology in order to turn cultists into revenue streams. The difference between this and Scientology is that this is not pretending to be a religion.

So long as people still think of the hobby as a commercial pursuit, this predatory behavior and exploitation (nevermind the Death Cult using the Pop Cult aspect as a stalking horse, which makes it all worse) will continue.

There is only one way out: kill the business to save the hobby.

And that is next week's topic.

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