
Friday, November 24, 2023

The Culture: Successful Campaigns, Based Booky-Books, Big Boomer Blowouts, & The Wish List

First, Macris definitely has something to be thankful for.

I hope those of you that could afford to back it did so.

Second, the Big Based Book Sale:

Bypass the cultural gatekeeping, support non-woke authors, and get yourself some great books from both established and emerging talent for only $0.99 – many titles free!

Which is found here. (There will also be a link for the roundup at the Study.)

Third, Uncle Kevin--as much as I bag on the man and his company--has the best holiday sales in the fantastic adventure game business.

Almost everything in the catalog is on sale. See for yourself; PDFs, if you must, are at DriveThru.

The TMNT Kickstarter is on the verge of being too successful. This is what After The Bomb was before Palladium lost the license back in the day and rebranded to keep the product line going; if you're a fan of either the comic or the original version of the game, put your money down.

And the Gold Standard for sale value in this hobby remains the XMas Grab Bag. The price has gone up ($60) but you're going to get about $120 in product out of it, so it's still the best thing going- and you can gift them to others. Read the instructions carefully, curate that Wish List accordingly, and see what happens- or just buy direct for the specific product you want at a big discount (in print)!

Fourth, Steam, GOG, and DriveThru are both doing Autumn Sales right now. Expect other gaming storefronts to do likewise; expect a short rest before Xmas/Holiday sales. Some of the discounts available go deep and hard; (e.g.) SRW 30's full package deal is under $45. (N.B. DriveThru is run by people that hate you; spend there only if you must.)

Finally, the Wish List. Putting it here, and now, so I can just get it done.

If you would like to send me a present, I have several suggestions for you; all are recently updated.

If you want a more specific list, here you go, taken from the above (and two exceptions):


  • Just about every tabletop RPG product found on Amazon can be found at DriveThruRPG.
  • Gift Cards for Amazon, Steam, Switch, Half-Price Books, or just plain money are gladly accepted; I do not, EVER consider them an insult.
  • I have not given up my interest in the pew-pew. It's just a pain in the ass to gift bangsticks thanks to the Brotherhood of Alcoholic Traploving Firebug Enjoyers. Should you wish to indulge me, talk with me privately so no one gets into trouble.
  • Import Hell for Macross film/CDs is here.

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