
Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Culture: Going Solo Through The Rifts (Rolling A Man Pt.2)

(Following from yesterday's post.)

We started yesterday by randomly choosing a race to play because Race can change how you roll your man's attribute scores, what Occupations you can choose from (either hard bans, or soft ones via likely Attribute SCores), and more.

We ended up with a Demigod. Our man is the son of a god and a mortal. Due to what gift he received from his divine sire, he possesses all of the abilities of a Ley-Line Walker; he remained able to take up most of the Occupations in the game, and taking a hint that the gift prompted I went with Undead Slayer- a Tattooed Man variant unique to Atlanteans.

So far, we have someone born into an Atlantean clan whose sire is not Atlantean himself but yet raised as one and trained as a warrior and martial artist bestowed with magical tattoos and dedicated to destroying Vampires in particular and other such threats generally.

Let us pull out our copies of Panteons of the Megaverse, Secrets of the Atlanteans, and RIFTS Unlimited Edition to finish the generation process.

The Undead Slayer

This is the latest revision of the Occupation (Secrets, pg. 66-70) makes it crystal clear that the Undead Slayer is a ruthless crusader, focused on Vampires first and foremost and then generalizing to other supernatural evils and then to other threats.

Skills: As part of Occupational training, he learned the following skills automatically: Basic Math, Boxing, Gymnastics, Intelligence, Languages (Elf, American, Greek), Literacy (same), Lore (Demons & Monsters), Lore (Fairies & Creatures of Magic), Tracking, Radio: Basic, Swimming, Wilderness Survival, WP: Archery, WP: Knife, WP: Sword, WP: Energy Pistol, WP: Energy Rifle, Hand to Hand: Martial Arts.

He has two Related Skills to choose from, and four Secondary Skills. For Related Skills I choose Detect Ambush and Prowling. For Secondary Skills I choose Climbing, WP: Paired Weapons, Running, and WP: Shield.

Tattoos: He starts with the following: Marks of Heritage, Flaming Weapon (Shortsword), either Bow or Crossbow (Bow), Protection From Vampires, Turn Dead, Invulnerability, Control Air, Healing Basic (redundant with Demigod powers), Healing Super, Knowledge & Reading.

I then choose two Power tattoos (Protection From Energy, Protection From Fire), two Simple Weapons (Shortsword, Shield), two Magic Weapons (Flaming Shield, Flaming Knife w/ Wings), two Animals (Falcon, Horse), and one Monster (Gryphon).

The Demigod

He has all of the abilities of a Ley-Line Walker.

He has all 1st level Invocations (i.e. spells a Ley-Line Walker could use) and will automatically gain higher-level ones as he levels up.

He has the phasing abilities accordingly, making him indistinguishable from other True Atlanteans, but it's the other abilities that--given his age--make him stand out.

"All Abilities" includes his starting Potential Psychic Energy rating, which combines with what he gets as a Demigod and as an Undead Slayer; given that he has both Spells and Tattoo Magic at his disposal, that PPE total can go fast from full to zero. "All Abilities" does not include skills or gear; no double-dipping there.

The Result

We'll put a final few touches on our man and post his complete character sheet tomorrow- including deciding who Divine Daddy is.

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