
Saturday, October 7, 2023

Completing Another Orbit Around The Sun

It's been 28 years since my lifepalm went black.

(Using the book limit, not the movie limit.)

Despite a couple of close calls in the last few years, I'm still here.

And I intend to be around a while longer. There's deeds to be done, wars to be won, and jewelled thrones that need trodding under by sandalled feet (even if one of them is fake these days).

No grand pronouncements today. Just enjoy Jeffro and the gang doing wacky stuff in RIFTS (despite itself), BDubs doing #BROventloft stuff, and more while I go have me some of the best pizza around.

Thanks to Vomitron for gifting me Divinity: Original Sin on Steam. Truly a surprise, and a welcome one at that. Anyone else that feels so inclined, hit up last Saturday's post and scroll down to the end.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Bradford! Many more! I’m loving the posts. I read every one even though I don’t comment, mainly because commenting on blogger doesn’t always work from my phone, where I do most of my reading. I’ll have to change that.


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