
Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Culture: Show Us What You're Doing

Jeffro states the obvious, again.

And people are going to rage at him over this, again, with equal impotency.

I would ask people to read Jeffro's RIFTS posts. He's doing again for that game what he did for AD&D1e, and despite the issues with the game he's figuring out workarounds to address those issues and keeping on keeping on.

He's making a big point, again, which is that people who are enjoying such things should not be shy about sharing their doings.

That's what his threads on Twitter are for. That's what the Session Reports are for. That's what all the other stuff akin to same is for- to show others what's going down here, so that others can see it in action.

This sort of thing works great in text media, and is dogshit in audio/visual media (because otherwise it becomes a performance, which is theater and not play, right Critical Role?), because you get to see how other people use the rules and procedures (or work around them if lacking), how others perceive the (implied or not) setting, etc. and that is a major driver for building excitement for a thing- something someone that groks and uses Professional Wrestling hype techniques understands very well.

This is how you do it, Publishers. Find people to play your product. Have them put their session reports online. Show me your product in action.

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