
Friday, September 1, 2023

The Culture: How To Git Gud, Part 4: The Conclusion

As we go into the weekend, let's take a look at one of the biggest complications for Gitting Gud: terrible rules manuals.

As I said previously, the manuals are works of technical writing. Badly-written manuals inhibit a user's ability to Git Gud by needlessly complicating the user's capacity to learn how to play the game, and thereby how to use the game.

I'm going to pull down my AD&D1e manuals and one for another game that lacks the quality of the former in technical writing terms.

I'll spend some time this weekend doing some of the basic stuff for each one, with the intention of making it next week's series, in order to illustrate the point that manual quality makes a big difference in Gitting Gud- and as the big event of the Fall season is nigh, you'll see why you'll want to Git Gud sooner than later as #EliteLevel play again gets on stage to make a big spectacle for all to see.

I'll leave the other game as a surprise; come back Monday to find out when we start with Character Generation.

People need to get over this "LOL House Rules it DUDE!" attitude because that's not how people think about ANYTHING ELSE. How you play is how you train is how you fight- hobby gaming is no different. A game whose manual undermines this is unfit for purpose, and ought to be discarded as one does any other broken tool.

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