
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The Culture: You Are One Step From XCom & Xenonauts With A Proper Cthulhu Campaign

(Following from yesterday's post.)

Today we're looking at Jon talking about proper RPG play and Call of Cthulhu.

This is a huge deal that Jon's talking about here.

Just by doing proper 1:1 Timekeeping your campaign play will be forced into having multiple characters per player, you will have Faction Play arise as an emergent property, and due to how far-ranging a campaign can go it is a short hop to having multiple Referees per campaign to stay on top of it all.

As Xenonauts 2 just launched on Steam, and the XCom series remains popular, both of which enforce timekeeping on the player, this is not the hard sell that you might think that it is.


Oh, don't even go there. Research takes time. Recovery takes time. Training takes time. Travel takes time. Time is a thing that is spent in exchange for other things. That a character must be locked down and made unavailable for play when he accrues Time Debt greater than what can be discharged between sessions exists to prevent paradoxes; a man cannot be in two places at once.

And yes, there is a Cthulhu variation that can more easily go the Xenonauts/XCom route.

Spycraft, Ninjas & Superspies, Beyond The Supernatural, Chill, All Flesh Must Be Eaten and many more games that may not see to benefit from being played properly at first are all underneath the same way and thus derive the same output from the same input.

Fantastic Adventure Wargaming. That's what this hobby is really about. It will be hammered until it cannot be denied.

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