
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Narrative Warfare: I Smell Fear Out of the Hellmouth

Today in Clown World.

The cited Niche Gamer article is here, should the video be insufficient for you.

I disagree that this is about PC Gaming at all.

Instead, given that institutions and high-status individuals are either formally or informally exempt, I see this as a Screw The Plebs move and Screw The Plebs moves are defensive moves to attempt to cut off an apparent threat before it manifests. Gaming consoles are exempt from this, so they are not seen as a threat. PCs are, and with PCs you compete with the institutions and win. Remember this? One man.

How about this game? One guy.

Small teams can also create great media out there now, at home, with powerful PCs.

Individuals and small groups, making media that contends or surpasses what the insitutions offer, are a threat to those institutions. Insitutions concerned primarily about apperances and narrative control are most vulnerable to guerilla competitors working out of basements and garages, so denying those enemies the tools is part-and-parcel of their maintenance of narrative control.

It's no different than what mainstream media is doing to shut down competitors that run outside its narrative control scheme. It is also no different to attacks on homeschooling (the historical norm) vs. the instituional parasitizationg of children that is public schooling. If the people are seen to be receptive in sufficient numbers--and those numbers are far lower than many think--then out come the knives and this change in California is proof of it in action.

This is not a power move. This is not a flex. This is a fear move, the sort you don't make if you're secure in your position, and that means they revealed where they are soft and weak. Hammer this, hammer this like they are about to be already head, and watch them explode trying to cope with a million mosquito bites- each of which draws blood.

Don't comply. Get those PCs. Learn how to use them to make media that doesn't suck, and you'll be ready for what is next when they have no more dead IPs to wear as skinsuits.

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