
Friday, June 11, 2021

My Life As A Gamer: Prime Matter Introduced

More E3 stuff. This is from Koch Media, co-hosted with the Dorito Pope, introducing Prime Matter and shilling its launch slate. This is a shill stream.

Okay, the takes:

  • Koch Media, not Koch Brothers, think Heckler & Koch- so German, not American.
  • The inital slate of releases rely on established successes and major hype to get off the ground in the public eye. There is no risk-taking being done here. This is the Corporate Playbook in action. They bought stuff and the shot-caller said "Make it happen". That they dragged in the Dorito Pope to hype and shill this shows that those very same shot-callers don't have a clue as to how to make it happen.
  • Buzzwords. All the wrong buzzwords. Opal screams "Diversity Hire", and her script reading is insincere. I believe her less than the Dorito Pope, and the live chat is restricted in access (mildly so, but so) and filled with spam that makes Asmongold's chat look tame and sincere instead of full of trolls and shillbots.
  • The first game featured is not a game. It's a Young Adult POldPub-style shitbook with some interactivity as it's supposed to be a horror game. Not quite Depression Quest, but more akin to Until Dawn. "Choose Your Own Adventure" books are still a thing and they're a lot cheaper and easier to do. Do that instead, you clout-chasing poseur wankers. That it's being done out of Vancouver, British Columbia--Canada's version of Seattle--is another major Red Flag warning of suck and poz. Much not-gameplay talk; lots of movie mushmouth. HARD PASS.
  • Kingdom Come: Deliverence is being ported to the Switch. I'm okay with this. That is a good game, worthy of the hype, praise, and Sabaton covering Manowar's "Kingdom Come". Looking forward to it.
  • Final Form, by Reikon Games. SF FPS. You're a remote-piloted gynoid drone of a ship AI. Lots of soy-talk signals in their PR talk. Poz suspected.
  • Massive Works Studios, Dolmen. Giger/Lovecraft RPG. Brazilian studio. You're a corporate enforcer for Not-Cthulhu Corporation on an alien world. "Souls-like". Snooze. This segment put three minutes into 15.
  • King's Bounty II segment. Trailer appears to be in-engine, but is cinematic. Still a strategy game, but they're edging towards the RPG side of things. No gameplay footage, like most of the segments so far.
  • Scars Above, "Alice Meets Alien". Standard PS Exclusive Open World w/ Female Protagonist Template. SNOOOOOZE! (and likely pozzed) Also, blatant Zerg ripoff shown in the gameplay preview. Madhead Games, a Serbian studio, did this. JD Cowen's research into the original of the false "Science Fiction" genre label shows its necessity here; this is not a scenario about science. This is a horrific adventure that takes place in a hostile alien environment; it's an Adventure Game, not a Science Fiction game.
  • Encased, isometric RPG. Retro-Future dystopia, by a Russian group. Five classes. May not suck.
  • These segments run WAY too long. Play trailer, have a dev spend a few minutes fleshing out relevant details (release, platforms, contact), and MOVE ON. Pacing is shit, and audience is bored. Taking 15 minutes for something that can be sorted in five is incompetence in action. This is amateaur hour, and that's unacceptable from an multi-national media corporation.
  • Echoes, action game, out of Iceland. Lots of motion-capture done. No gameplay or cinematics shown. This is vaporware, and as such this studio should have removed from the showcase because they have nothing to show. If this isn't incompetence, it's definitely a big-time grift. Waste of time, and bullshit until shown otherwise. Also, lay off the literary pretensions. You're making a game, not a movie; go make a fucking movie if you want to talk themes and motifs you soy-faced faggots.
  • The Last Oricru, a Souls-like RPG, so I'm asleep again. Bored.
  • Payday 3. This is what folks want to hear about. Looks like they're not fucking with the formula and just making it bigger and bolder, which is what the players want. Years away, so they say, but glad to see they aren't planning to goatscrew their property.
  • They're going to do their own Critical Role shillstreams. Well, time to bury this channel.

I am not impressed. This is an operation run by morons and grifters, and that's just Prime Matter. I am not impressed with the partnered studios either. Some don't know the game, so I'm forgiving of them, but others are not and there is no forebearance forthcoming for them. This was a one hour show packed into three and I would be furious over it if I were the executive overseeing this operation. Opal in particular gets reassigned, if not fired, and preferably blackballed because she should have known better; Dorito Pope did what he was there to do, so he's okay.

Not liking what I saw so far, for the most part, with only KC:D on the "Good" list. The rest are suspect or on the Hard Pass list.

This is not a good sign. Shun Prime Matter.

1 comment:

  1. Original King's bounty was a precursor to Heroes of Might and Magic. The reboot was ok but not as good as Heroes 4. Don't know why they are making a sequel. I don't think either series is really popular after this long.


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