
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

My Life In Fandom: "Tex Talks BattleTech" Returns With The Marauder!

Tonight, at 8pm Central Time, Tex Talks BattleTech returns!

Yes, this is the episode for the Marauder. Why did it take so long? Quoting Black Pants Legion: "59 gigs. 4K. Madness."

During the Premiere, the live chat will be open. Tex and company will be there. This is also a St. Jude's Foundation fundraiser, so any donations made go there.

I've been anticipating this since the previous episode on the Rifleman, and I do hope they get around to other 'Mechs based on the classic Macross and Dougram designs (however imperfect they are). I say again, Catalyst Game Labs should be cutting Tex and the gang some fat checks for their work promoting the brand and getting folks fired up for what it offers--Dune with giant robots--but they're a bunch of tight-assed bitches that can't even send over some cheap swag. Shame on you, CGL, and your partners doing licensed adaptations like Harebrained Studios for failing to show some appreciation.

Yes, appreciation. Not "muscle in and paywall all their stuff" like Games Workshop did, because that's what bitchmade faggots do and CGL (et. al.) don't want to be known as bitchmade faggots, do they? Not good for the brand, is it? I didn't think so.

I'll be in the chat. See you there.

While you wait, check out Razorfist's dramatic reading of some classic BattleTech novels.

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