
Friday, April 30, 2021

Narrative Warfare: Man The Wall Or Lose It All

The man who is to the 40K scene what the RPG Pundit is to the soy brigade in tabletop RPGs stakes a position and argues the necessary thing that we must do.

Arch is correct. Gatekeeping is a neccessary condition to create and maintain a healthy hobby. He would also be correct to say that it is necessary to create and maintain a healthy culture, and with it a healthy nation and the states they create remain functional as intended.

Arch is no Hard Right guy. He's very much an Enlightenment liberal, but since he's to the right of Chairman Mao and Josef Stalin he might as well be a French Aristocrat during the Terror.

Because right now that is what Death Cultists in power are doing: instutiting a new Terror.

Arch is consistently villified by entryist poseurs virtue-signalling Death Cult allegience simply because he won't accept their attempts at Convergence, won't go along with the Narrative, and refuses to entertain their heresy. Furthermore, he's become rather energized by resisting them; he embraced the fight, and this video demonstrates his willingness to resist them.

You've seen what happens when you don't: Mouse Wars, Fake Trek, Dr. Snooze, shit "localizations" in non-Anglo media that deliberately insert propaganda, corporate takeovers aimed at turning the company into a poz-spredding vector, etc.

You've seen this happen because the walls were not manned. Outsiders were not vetted. Initations were not required. Dues were not paid. There was no attempt whatsoever made to keep poseurs out of the scene, and as it is with hobbies so it is with countries and civilizations; this principle scales up. Too few bothered to do that which is required of them, and those that did were undermined by fools and traitors that wanted to throw open the gates in the name of "popular acceptance" or some other fraud.

No, everyone does not belong. Stop trying to include those that have no business being there, either because they don't want to belong or because they are incompatible- as all poseurs are. If you don't zealously guard those gates, you will lose them to the poseurs who will use them to throw you out of what you built and cultivated--what is yours--and steal even your identity from you if they can to leave you with nothing.

Man the wall, or you will lose it all.

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