
Sunday, April 25, 2021

My Life In Fandom: A Translation Of "So Far Away" Exists

I've mentioned The Five Star Stories before and I stand by my endorsement of this epic work. Its one OVA is one of the best artifacts of Peak Anime, and its one big single is still something worth having on rotation to this day. However, I noticed that a lot of AMV featuring "Far Away In The Eyes" didn't have the lyrics in subtitles. Below is, at last, a video by a user called "Movie Panda" who did just that and--turn on CC--put in a commentary that you should see if you're not familiar with the story's setting.

Movie Panda has plenty of videos like this, where he does commentary and analysis in addition to translation, and he's not just doing Japanese animation. Give him a chance.

My thanks to Movie Panda for this translation and commentary. I would like this to drive more people to Nagano's fantastic work, which--alas--usually means reading it online in a fan-translated scan of his manga because the OVA only covers the very beginning of the story.

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