
Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Business: It's The Network Effect, Stupid!

Rant time.

"Why doesn't (Trump/Bob/VapidPopIdol) use (Gab/Parler/HelloKittySocialSalon)?"

The Network Effect is why.

Social media, as with damn near the entire fucking Internet itself, is all about Network Effects. The reason folks stick with the Big Players is because of their network size. Gab, Parler, Trovo, et. al., are also-rans and therefore are ghettos and anyone who wants to reach a wide audience--i.e. normies--can't stay in the ghetto; they go where the action is, and that means being on the Big Platforms.

Politics is all about playing and leveraging Network Effects to partisan advantage; it's why you see so much effort spent on propaganda and subversion, because that's two of the surest ways to deal with the power of Network Effects and turning them to your advantage, and as such it's the key objective in Death Cult convergence campaigns: to secure nodes of the greater network and lock out enemies therefrom.

Commerce--be it goods or services--is likewise about reach, reach means normies, and normies means only the Big Platforms matter. That's why the folks you're complaining about do what it takes to stay there- that's where the action is, and not in the ghettos.

The end-result, as the Death Cult sees, is that it really is Best Or Benched. You can subsist in the ghettos, but that's all it ultimately is unless and until the current Big Platforms are either destroyed or conquered. What you have to do to counteract that power and influence requires an institition of similar or superior scope and scale, such as a sovereign government and its military forces.

And that is why you won't see Trump on Gab. It is literally a waste of his time.

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