
Monday, March 22, 2021

Narrative Warfare: When You Can't Accept That You're Not In The Club

They aren't going to learn when they have big incentives not to, despite the reality of it smashing their faces into the wall.

Deep emotional commitment cannot be easily broken. It's a lot like assault a well-developed trench line; there's defense in depth and as such multiple lines to fall back to and regroup about before counterattacking.

Now we're seeing it in the psychological realm with the Fandom Menace. Despite clear evidence that they are as effective as a dog biting a tank, they persist and we have already seen them fall back to deeper positions to rally, regroup, and resume the fight.

Geeks & Gamers fell back on Muh Charity and immediately pivoted to minimize or ignore Synder's unevocable disavowal of them and the Menace. Doomcock immediately did this without the slightest hint of self-awareness in response to calls to boycott the movie.

This is the psychology of a cultist in denial about their actual status. Author David Stewart explains.

The narrative pivot here is astounding to behold, and you have to be familiar with apocalypse cults preaching End of the World scenarios being imminent to have prior experience with how this operates. The Menace, being a cult, predicted that Synder getting his cut would validate their existence and all of their efforts- thus confirming them as players to be reckoned with and not noises to be muffled.

They're noises to be muffled, and Snyder muffled them good and hard to their faces. That is a direct attack to whom they believe themselves to be, and they ain't having it.

They want to be in the club. They're not. They never will be. They're the very suckers that the Hellmouth readily exploits, and they won't admit it; until they do, there's no coming out of their cult. They made an idol of their entertainment, a false god of these brands, and they will not confess their error until every last defense is smashed apart before their very eyes.

I am quite happy to let them deal with the monster they made. They are in an untenable position; all that good people need to do is be ready to catch them when they inevitably fall out of their cult and back to reality- and better that we do, for otherwise the Death Cult will take them.

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