
Thursday, March 18, 2021

My Life In Fandom: Fandom Menace BTFOed By False Idol

The leading Hispanic Voice in Science Fiction, Jon del Arroz, held a livestream late last night. Recapped in this video below.

Jon calls Geeks & Gamers and the Fandom Menace generally "coomers", as they exhibit the mentality of the sex addict, but given that they attach religious fervor and devotion--to the point of seeing this in moral terms--to their pop culture obsessions I agree with Brian Niemeier and call them Pop Cultists. These are not contradictory appelations, but rather complimentary ones; the latter is what's driving the mentality, while the former is what it appears to those outside the cult.

This particular Pop Cult made an idol out of a mediocre capeshit film, bought into the idea that it would be better if the original director's version got released, and pushed for it relentlessly with exactly that religious fervor I previously mentioned. They got their wish, they thought they won, and they were taking a victory lap by participating in a charity drive that also included said director- the object of their idol worship of the moment.

Their idol specifically named them, disavowed them in no uncertain terms, and condemned them as anathema because they are not part of HIS cult- the Death Cult.

The Fandom Menace vastly overstates their reach, their power, and their influence. The only serious damage they did was to point out the rotting merchandise to contradict the narrative that the Devil Mouse's sanctioned fan films are doing very well, knowing full well that said IP relies on merchandise sales to actually make a profit- especially between major media releases. The only other useful thing they did was when one subgroup proved to be a semi-professional outlet and began churning out semi-pro news and analysis of the entertainment business. (That, by the way, is Midnight's Edge.)

Most of the clique, on the other hand, are like Geeks & Gamers and thus are useless goobers who will either come of their delusions or become the very things they say that they are against: SJW Death Cultists. Given that they already cede the moral frame to their supposed enemy due to their pop culture obsessions, this will be a matter of time and it will be sad to watch.

Don't be like the Fandom Rejects. Walk away from the Death Cult. Support people that don't hate you and produce new, original works. Jon's got his books and comics going; you'll find his campaign for Deus Vult here. Brian's got plenty of novels, and he's branching into games and merch; you'll find the campaign for his next book here. Both campaigns have at least one option for getting a pile of catchup stuff to tide you over.

There's plenty more out there. Go explore!

P.S.: I see that the Rejects are using "Muh Charity Fundaising!" to deflect. That didn't work, did it? Oh, and if you think Hollywood is corrupt, wait until you dig into the charity world. How much of that money is actually going to people that actually need it?

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