
Saturday, March 20, 2021

My Life As A Gamer: The Pundit Talks About Tabletop SJWs Eating Themselves, Again

It's the Pundit. You know he's talking about Death Cult bullshit. Let me get my painkillers ready, because the stupidity is going to hurt.

I'm all out of painkillers, because man this was weapons-grade stupidity.

It takes a while for Pundit to get to the point, but here it is: some Death Cultist tried to produce a Cult-friendly product with obsequious gay pandering in it, but that pandering didn't fit the current Narrative so it failed to win Cultist approval and that prompted the Point-and-Shriek attack. That's what "not the right kind of gay" means: it didn't fit the Narrative.

The fight revolves around the concept of "coding", where tropes are used as euphemisms for homosexuality, and the wrong cypher got used for this "gay coding" approach. In short, the author didn't get the memo on the current Narrative beat and he got bashed hard for it.

As the Pundit notes, this is all about stabbing basic white gay men in the back in favor of the freaks that we're seeing be outed as child predators.

This reminds me of the most effective tactic for dealing with them: get away from them and keep them isolated to themselves, so that these locusts have no choice but to feed on themselves in the form of a purity spiral, then move in to finish off the last freak standing when it's over prior to rebuilding stronger and gatekeeping harder.

My thanks to the Pundit for tanking this hit. He's Good People, so check out his stuff.

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