
Thursday, February 18, 2021

Narrative Warfare: The Fandom Menace Lost

The Dark Herald at Arkhaven explains what many of us indie authors and creators have talked about for some time: The fans lost.

Now, I understand there is going to be a certain number of people who can’t understand it.

Why are the goblins at Lucasfilm are so determined to cut their own throats? I mean, it has to be obvious at this point isn’t it? The Reylo trilogy was an utter disaster and by any reasonable standard, the high Republic is an abject failure. If they are going to keep their jobs, they need to assure that their company is healthy, and to do that they need to have products people will pay money for. Making Star Wars fans happy and engaged is in their own self-interest. LucasFilm needs to be profitable right? Right?

Oh, that is so adorable.

At this point, LucasFilm has settled comfortably into the model of corporate parasitism. And the uber-Woke senior executives at Disney are delighted to be fed upon by the incompetent.

You have to remember an SJW infestation is a convergence of grasshopper-people.

They create nothing, preserve nothing and leave nothing behind.

When grasshoppers have finished devastating and devouring a once-productive ant colony, do they sit around trying to rebuild it? After all, that would be in their self-interest wouldn’t it? To have a healthy ant colony that they could regularly harvest makes more sense than destroying it. But no, grasshoppers are grasshoppers, they destroy and move on to the next target.

The Woke are no different. When LucasFilm collapses under its own weight due to their undermining they will move on to another property and begin the process all over again. Unconcerned by lessons of failure because they are fundamentally unable to face the lessons of their own mistakes.

So what is the future of Star Wars? Well, it doesn’t have one.

Where the Menace erred is exactly in this presupposition that the Death Cult cares about the health of its host. It doesn't. IT WANTS EVERYTHING TO DIE! This is why they're accurately called "grasshopper people". They are parasitic in nature, and that nature cannot be denied.

And why does the Death Cult keep a vice grip? Because they turn every last thing they control into a vector for spreading the disease. That means profits and losses DO NOT MATTER! This is a religious zeal, a fanatical devotion, beyond all reason and material sensibility- and that's why they are referred to as The Death Cult.

They are pleased beyond measure to see the subjects of their attacks suffer as they kill those whom they cannot turn, and again when those they turn die off anyway.

The purpose behind maintaining that vice grip is to maintain control over the Narrative they promote. It doesn't matter if it's badly done, or if it offends, or whatever. They shamelessly corrupt what they can, destroy what they cannot corrupt, and cut off access to what they cannot destroy. Once all competition to their Narrative control is eliminated, they are free to flood your brainmeats until you submit or die; if you think this isn't effective, look at how well they do with your children now that they control public schools and the universities.

Your wallet is not effective anymore in coercing them otherwise. They have direct access to the money printer; they can keep operating indefinitely, and as arms of the operations collapse they just pop some champange, celebrate ultimate victory, and move their favored assets to another arm of their Black Crusade to do it all again.

You have to walk away or you're going to get destroyed.

You have to walk away, and if you want what you loved to go on then you have to take that wallet and support the alternatives that actually deliver what you want- unless all you want is the brand, which makes you a cultist in your own right, a Pop Cultist crying about the masters of your cult--the Death Cult--desecrating your idol.

Come out of your cult. Come with us if you want your culture to live.

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