
Friday, February 26, 2021

My Life In Fandom: Another 40K Fan Film Project Coming-VRAKS

I mentioned that the new array of tools for video production has led to professional-grade animation being capable for small teams and individuals previously. Regular readers will be quite familar with the Astartes project by now, and other similar Warhammer 400000 fan films such as Hellsreach. There are also plenty of smaller films out there now, either as tests or as samples; I linked to a Death Korps video the other day in that vein.

This is a teaser for a fan project about the Siege of Vraks.

This may or may not cover the entire length of the Imperial siege of the Chaos-held Forge World, but I appreciate the attempt nonetheless. If you need an audio playlist of the lore this project is going to address, good ol' Arch has your back, and if you don't like Arch then try others' takes.

The bigger importance of all these 40K fan projects is that it demonstrates, as I said previously, that original work is now cheap enough to be viable for small teams or single creators to do at home using off-the-shelf consumer products for most or all of the creation process and then easily distribute and monetize that creation to recoup expenses or even make a profit.

As I said previously, the advantages of Big Media are crumbling by the day and absent some Big Corporate fuckery will render the need for the major corporate studios irrelevant sooner than later. Expect that fuckery. Be prepared to route around it by multiple means.

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