
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

My Life As A Gamer: The Pundit Shows Off "Star Adventurer"

Yes, it's me letting the RPG Pundit shill his wares on my blog again. I wouldn't do this if he wasn't good at it and delievered the fun. This time, it's a SF RPG: Star Adventurer.

This is a tabletop RPG akin to Classic Traveller in that it assume you're willing and able to tinker using the tools and bits provided to create the SF campaign you want, but it has enough substance in its pages to just roll and go with the setting implied by what's there. If you're familiar at all with any D&D edition, most of what you know will transfer over so you won't be spending a lot of time relearning rules and mechanics.

You will not find it at Amazon. It's available only via DriveThruRPG and in what retail stores are left. However, that price Pundit quoted is correct; you can get it in paperback for $10, and you can get that bundled (as of this post) at no additional cost with a PDF copy. Click the image below to hit up that store page.


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