
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

From Rehab: The Residency's Conclusion Comes

I've gone to my orthopedics doctor today to send in my prosthetic and get it finalized. That, folks, is the start of the countdown to my discharge from rehabilitation and my return home. I'm out of here on the 17th and I expect to be back in my own bed by that night. I've put in a goodly amount of work to get to this point, and I still have some issues accepting the praise I receive from my therapists and doctors as to the speed of recovery.

I spend a week without my prosthetic, get it back a week from today, and my last week here will focus on ensuring that the fit is good and my condition is where we want it to be. During this time I will get something done that I've had to put on the backburner; residencies of this sort do not foster good writing environments, not when someone knocks on the door every 15 minutes or I'm out doing therapy. It's an environment more akin to caring for small children, where you often have to stop what you're doing because Bobby somehow did something that requires your attention immediately; if you need quiet and focus, don't try to do it when in rehab.

Rehabilitation and therapy will move hereafter to an outpatient basis. I may have to spend the rest of my days with a cane and a wheelchair, but I am going to look damn good doing it.

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