
Thursday, April 25, 2019

My Life As A Historian: Sabaton Does The Lord's Work

Today's a two-for-one Sabaton presentation. First, the new Sabaton History video on the German battleship Bismarck.

Part two is Sabaton's new music video for the song about that very battleship.

You can thank World of Warships for making that video happen. Well done, guys. That's how to cross the streams properly.

This is it, folks. This is how you can make history alive for those long after the fact; you take the facts of history, and you use the dramatic arts to recreate the events as best you can. People react well when they are able to see and hear, and thus to feel, what they learn; vicarious experience is the most effective means of reaching most people, which is why it's such a common element in every nations's cultural institutions.

Sabaton is doing the Lord's work here, telling the truth as best they can, about the wars of Man and the men who fought--and died--waging them. If I can capture this with my Star Knight books, then I know I'm hitting the mark.

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