
Monday, March 18, 2019

Narrative Warfare: Gatekeeping Isn't Optional

Whether it's the rich and famous or just influencers in very niche culture segments, the SJW playbook remains the same:

  1. Get gatekeeper positions.
  2. Turn a scene into a fake community.
  3. Use fake "community" language to justify gatekeeping enemies out of the scene.
  4. BANHAMMER! (They'd kill you if they could, but they can't.)

Two examples of this in action. The first is that Jack Dorsey wants to ban James Woods (Yes, the actor.) from Twitter over the latter's unrelenting support for the God-Emperor, but can't because doing so would bring more pressure than relieve it. The second is the RPGPundit being hit by this exact scam to justify shutting him out of the OSR subreddit at Reddit because the mods are SJWs.

And yes, Jack is a Gamma faggot. His appearance on Joe Rogan's podcast made that crystal clear; he'd ban Woods if he could in a heartbeat.

That the Pundit gets so much hate from SJWs in tabletop gaming should tell you two things: he's more influential than he gets credit for, and the stakes are not what they think they are. (What they are I'll expand upon in another post.)

At least the SJWs in TRPGs can't destroy D&D. The Open Gaming License makes this impossible.

The lesson here is simple. This is a situation akin to nuclear weapons or firearms: if you don't pursue them, your enemies will and use them against you. Gatekeeping is not an option anymore; if you don't seize those positions and use them to keep the SJWs out, then they will seize those positions and use them against you. Take and hold all the gates; firm boundaries form free societies.

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